What do Butch Harman, Ernie Els, and Darren Clarke have to do with Clitheroe?
Wayne Johnson, Director of Golf at Performance Golf Academy, Clitheroe that’s what.
Wayne has held key roles in golf operations and instruction around the globe, most notably working as an instructor for Butch Harmon, assisting in many of his coaching sessions with Tiger Woods, Adam Scott, Darren Clarke.
Wayne has just been accorded the status of Specialist Professional of The Professional Golfers’ Association. This is one step away from the PGAs highest level of Master Professional.
PGA Specialist Professionals have been recognised by The PGA as being experts in their field. Common to all PGA Specialist Professionals is a proven ability to excel, delivering sustained and significant success across all aspects of their role which has had a substantial effect on both the development.
Take your game to the next level with expert coaching at Performance Golf Academy – Clitheroe.